Monday, May 20, 2019

2 videos versus Peter

This morning as requested by my many times opponent Peter I recorded the challenge for his knowledge. I did not think the first 8 boards went too well and expected to be about 18 imps down
However turned out Peter got no imps in the first 8 boards so Galligan was ahead.

1st half of live video Pedro

So this morning with end of challenge time looming and a morning session of bridge to play in Malahide ,,,Eamon played the 2nd 9 boards at 7am or so with a cupan tae.

2nd half of live video Pedro

Seems all bridge should be played first thing in the morning and without any Guinness the night before. Galligan was like the Liverpool goalkeeper against Barcelona and Peter returns from his trip abroad demoralized.

So after playing that challenge it was back to the leaba for a few hours and up then just after 9 for ablutions and the trip to Malahide to partner Mark Cunningham.

So Board 2 I managed to make a complete mess of ..after ending up in a poor contract.

Eamon as dealer opened a weak 1NT and the normal thing would be partner would transfer into HEARTS and Eamon would play 2H probably making for about average score. 

Unfortunately Eamon got passed out in 1NT and the opponents came out smoking with the first 5 Club tricks. Now I needed the rest and I was doomed as one would expect longer HEARTS with the short CLUBS. North discarded a small HEART and Eamon decided it was surely from 4 to the Queen as the odds indicated North had more SPACE for hearts. So down went Eamon by 3 tricks for a horrible ZERO. 
A good HEART guess got me the 100% score but I GUESSED wrong and I was only after finding out that the opponent was a teacher in my local national school. 

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