Friday, January 25, 2019

Regional Teams 2019

This weekend we have the Regional Teams played in all Regions across the country.In Dublin North Region we are struggling to get Master Teams. So far only 4 have entered, Normally we get about 7 or 8 teams but this year the Masters are thin on the ground.
We have only 3 B/novice teams entered so far .. but on Tuesday I ran a competition for Bs and novices in Malahide and we had 19 teams just in our club alone. Regional Teams is at same venue but where are the teams.

This morning  Galligan played Kilkennyman in matchpoints. Unfortunately Kilkennyman did not complete so hopefully he played a decent number of the 12 boards.

Galligan v Kilkennyman

Last night in Malahide Regional Bridge Club we had the annual Maurice Quinn Trophy.
and the winner was Sheila McCabe who knows Philip Quinn son of Maurice.

The hands were good ones but nobody complained. Sometimes they like good hands.
More later.

Eamon Galligan

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