Saturday, December 22, 2018

Galligan tackles Master Pairs

This morning after much effort by someone else Galligan was able to play the Master Pairs comparing against all the players who played in it real time. So far I have played 14 boards which is 2 matches and trail a long way behind the 2 match leaders Ronan McMaugh and Marcin Rudzinski. However there is plenty of time left.

Board 14 was unfortunate for me

Here the robots stopped in 3NT and made 12 when I failed to find the Heart Ace cash looking at KJxx in dummy. Shame on me. 690 and 5 imps to the robots against the datum. 

That dropped me back to joint 28th place after 14 boards. Still there are about 80 pairs behind me.
Anyone who has the Jack bridge program or any other bridge program that plays pbn files is welcome to have the pbn file we made with all the names and scores. if you want it.

The bad news yesterday is that James Heneghan arrived back in Dublin and no doubt disturbed the leafy suburbs of Griffith Avenue. There is even talk of re opening the Garda station for Xmas.
The good news is there is still another 4 years of James in USA to come.
Still James is a very capable bridge player and the proud owner of all of Martens bridge books.
Well he owns at least one copy of each.

If you think you have some idea about playing bridge and you want to find out ... have a look at
the above website and you might get a shock.
Martens has been spotted sitting at a bar in the Rathmines area the odd time. He likes the guinness allegedly. So if you want a head wrecker bridge book Martens has about 20 of them.

A couple of months ago an irish bridge player ordered 2 Martens books and put my address on them as I provided some bidding hands for said bridge player.
One is called Guide Dog and the other is called Imagination .. I have seen some good stuff during my recent visits to the throne.
The most recent one was a player drew one round of trumps too many ...
Holding like AKQJTxx in trumps he thought drawing a round of trumps was a good idea.
His opponent on his left showed out and quickly deposited the HEART ACE as a discard ...
Nope it was not a signal ... he was just creating a later entry for his partner who held Qxx of HEARTS with Kxxx in the dummy.

So if you see James Heneghan discarding an Ace of Hearts you will already have drawn one trump too many.

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