Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Galligan loses to Mullingar Man again

This morning  played a bad set of boards going down 4 vulnerable on one part score board. Also dropped about 5 other things during the 16 board set. Could have been 50 imps on a bad day.

Speaking of Mullingar  recall a few tough "intermediate " opponents from back in my short few months as intermediate. Jim McAulliffe I think was the mans name. He suffered from some illness that confined him to a wheelchair and that was back in the late 1980s probably maybe 1990 at latest. However there was nothing wrong with his bridge or head.

Then there was Claffey ... who on seeing dummy might comment to the unknowing stranger "Could go down on a bad day " and Madam Claffey would sit up straight and defend like a demon and down you went none the wiser. You had jusr been Claffeyed and you did not even know it.
I think he is still around but he would not know me and I would not get "Claffeyed" these days.

Galligan 19 Mullingar Man 31

I was taught bridge originally by a now Mullingar resident .. I had no idea what was going on but they needed a 4th I think. There was no internet in those days. It was a distant thought in Bill Gates mind. Funny enough Bill Gates does play bridge at a high level. I saw had a look at him once .. baseball cap .. striped tee shirt and jeans. However not being one of those sucker up types and not being playing against him  I had no reason to examine him more closely. He had enough folk button holing him.

The Dallas Aces were a great Bridge Team of the 1970 and 80s. They were formed to defeat the Italian Blue Team. I ran into some of them too.

Mike Lawrence was in the Bankers Bridge Club in the early 90s
Bob Hamman was in Templogue and Swords in 2006
I played against and had a conversation with  Billy Eisenberg
I read loads of Eddie Kantar books. Some old lad that looked like him gave me a hiding at bridge once in the US Nationals in 2007.
Paul Soloway was in Templeogue in 2006
Bobby Goldman used to play on okbridge before BBO was invented in the early days of online bridge as did Soloway.

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