Friday, August 31, 2018

Bridge challenge .. Galligan v Teacher August 31st

This morning I played a planned 16 board challenge against the man who taught me bridge. He still thinks he is better than me but I think the robots keep taking pity on him.
Anyway we played the 16 boards and the video is below. Happily I won but it was only small and I made a few errors.

Galligan v Bridge Teacher

I got 9 imps for making 4S when the teacher went off in 3S
I got 11 imps for making 4H when the teacher drove all the way to 7H and blamed his robot no doubt.

Last night I was directing in one of the Dublin bridge clubs and a lady told me the hands were too hard. She said she much preferred it when the hands were flatter and dealt by hand. I said so you like nice 4333 hands and 4432 hands with no singletons or voids.
So I said " Well we can deal by hand if your club prefers it but you need to ask the committee. Your club did after all spend 2.5 grand on a dealing machine for ye. "
So I printed her off a copy of last nights hands and said " Here you can study these and get better or light the fire in the morning with it " She said " I don't light fires .. someone else looks after that and cleans it out. "

On Wednesday night I was in the local drinking establishment after bridge directing and I was telling Declan the Donplayer about the above mentioned teacher. Declan Donplayer said .. " Don't forget to thank that man" I said "For What " ..
Declan Donplayer .. " The journey .. thank him for the journey .. if he never taught you bridge then you would never have taught me we both got a journey out of it .. Tell him Declan Donplayer loves the game and thanks "
Teacher mentioned above thought that he was the only Donplayer left in Ireland ...but I was able to inform him that every man over 50 in this establishment can play DON. Teacher was amazed.
We play DON in Rivervalley Community Centre every Tuesday from about 2130.

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