Wednesday, June 06, 2018

European Teams Championships 2018 BULGARIA

The European Teams championships have begun. Ireland Open Team have not started yet. In Round 1 they took on an always decent Bulgarian quartet and suffered the same fate as regularly happens Sligo against the Connacht powerhouses of Mayo or Sligo,

Board 4 one of our pairs never even looked at a slam with 30 hcp comined  and AKQTxxx suit on the side.
Board 5 one of our pairs chose to play 4NT with 11 cards combined in clubs .. The opposition rolled out their 10 card diamond suit and re entered the Diamond hand with Club Ace and down a reasonable amount of undertricks to go with a non-vulnerable game.
When you go 6 off in a freely bid non sacrificial contract  contract maybe its time to get a new deck of cards. Yes SIX OFF. Johnny Comyn where are you … Can I write the article for the Sunday indo.
I promise not to mention any names of mice or grandmothers or fairy godmothers.

Moving on to the next double digit action … Board 10
This one probably has a story behind it but it was still 15 imps. Looks like Bulgaria found a working lead of the SPADE 7 and North made a reasonable misguess and down he tumbled. The softer 3rd and 5th lead treated the other declarer to dessert as well.

Happily there was only one more reportable piece of action .. Lets go see what it was ..
Board 12 saw Ireland defend 4S in one room and I cannot see how one gets at it.
4 Spades contract with 9 card fit ..

In the other room 4 Hearts was declared on the EIGHT card fit and this seems to leave room
for a trump JACK loser ... Tough Love.   has all the information on all the matches

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