Friday, June 15, 2018

Euro Teams Round 28 Wales

Ireland played Wales on Friday morning. Any hope of qualifying for Bermuda Bowl 2019 was long gone so one just hoped for some good wins. Currently there is no decent copy of the hands on the vugraph archive so I will just give a short summary and maybe fix it up later.

Board 17 Ireland got partscore in both rooms for 6 imps
Board 19 Garvey and Carroll roared into 7D while the Welsh foundered in 5D up 2
Board 20 we lost 6 imps when Garvey Carroll attempted 3NT like many other pairs.
With the Welsh staying in partscore they won 6 imps
Board 21 our lad Boland  punted a slam in 6NT and found a red suit squeeze existed and duly made the 12 tricks. ....Not too many bid this slam and half of those failed.

Ireland out to a 32-6 lead and hopeful of raising the bat soon.

Board 26 Garvey and Carroll contrived to find a way into 3C on a 1NT or 3NT hand .
That was quickly down on AK heart lead and a ruff and 2 other tricks.
A No Trump contract was easier and Wales gained 9 imps

Board 27 ... Boland Moran carefully showed no interest in the pitfall laden 6H slam.
The Welsh lads Richards and Pottage bid 6H but Pottage stepped in the pooh and went down 3.
I don't think Carroll has any way of showing 8 cards clubs he probably bid the 6+ 2C opening and that was not enough warning for Pottage and he tried to ruff 1 Club and down he went.
12 imps to Ireland ..and 2 boards later Boland raised the bat as he reached 50 runs .. but that was the end.

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