Saturday, June 09, 2018

Euro Teams Round 10 ICELAND

And so it continues .. ICELAND

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
Q 7
A J 10 9 5 3
A J 8 4 3
A Q 9 8 6
A 8 5 3
K 6
K 2
K 10 7 5 3
K J 2
8 7 4 2
J 4 2
10 9 6 4
Q 10 9 6 5
EW 4; W 3N; NS 5; W 2; E 1; NS 1; Par +200: EW 5×−1

Carroll and Garvey double 
5♣ for 13 tricks while our other pair venture into slam with ♥AK cashing.
Just 16 more imps for the bin ..

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
7 6 5
A K 10 9 5 3
A 5 2
A K 9 7 4 3
K 4 3
Q 4 2
Q J 10 8
10 8
J 9 8 7 4 3
5 2
A Q J 9 2
J 8 7
K Q 10
EW 4; NS 4; NS 5; NS 1N; EW 1; Par +100: EW 5×−1

Hanlon McGann double the making 4
Too many singletons and plenty of trumps not a success. 
Another 11 imps in that nearly full bin .. 

Just shows you that even great players get it wrong lots of the time. 
Hanlon and McGann are great players but they having a hard time this week. 
However was the COYNE team that ran them so close in the Trials Final really so good or were our heroes running on empty. 

However this next board might indicate the answer
Board 30
East Deals
None Vul
Q 10 5
A K Q 8 4 2
A 7 5
7 4
J 10 9
10 3
10 8 7 5 3 2
A J 8 6 2
7 6 3
J 9 4
6 4
K 9 3
K Q 8 6 2
A Q J 9
NS 6N; NS 6; NS 6; NS 4; NS 4; Par +990

18 high card points opposite 15 high card points and our two legends barely manage to bid a game. 
These two lads who normally bid games on skinny values are not approaching a slam on 33 hcp and 6 bagger suit and 8 card on the side diamonds ... Something is gone awry .. 

Another 11 in the bin ...need to empty it again .... 

Final score 45-6 and Ireland needing some UUMPH ... 

........HOT PRESS ... There seems to be lots of POLISH lads playing for Lithuania in this event. 
You think you are playing some team called LIT something and a bunch of gorilla POLES show up with Thomas Hanlons pal VAINIKONAS ... and TWO of them have already slapped JOHN CARROLL in the face for bidding 2S in the middle of their 3NT auction ... 
Just the 9 imps worth for sticking his nose in .. 

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