Saturday, June 09, 2018

EBTC 2018 Round 6 NORWAY

Next up was NORWAY another tough team and so it began. I started the day reading a few chapters of the famous bridge book.... THE RODWELL FILES ... this is a fantastic tome for sitting on the throne with. However IRELAND were sitting on the throne when NORWAY started play.

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
J 8
K 9 6 4
A K 3 2
10 6 3
A Q 10 6
A 5
J 10 9 8
J 4 2
K 9 7 4
Q J 10 7 2
Q 7 5
5 3 2
8 3
6 4
K Q 9 8 7 5
EW 3; EW 3; EW 3; NS 2; Par −140

4S played by EAST in open room saw our man SOUTH lead off a CLUB. Normal enough but today this meant the fast DIAMOND ruff was left behind and so was 4S contract ...
In the CLOSED room NORWAY quickly showed McGann he was too high today. 
10 imps to NORWAY. 

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
Q 5 3
A K J 9 8 2
J 10 5 4
A 6 2
Q 5
Q 7 5 4
A 9 8 6
K J 9
J 9 8 4 3 2
6 3
K 7
10 8 7 4
A K 10 7 6
Q 3 2
E 1N; NS 1; EW 1; NS 1; Par −90

The free wheeling Carroll Garvey partnership rolled into 3NT which on a bright sun shining day will have some prayer via 6 diamonds 2 Hearts and a trick in the wash. However today was a dark thunder storming day and after the Norwegian weatherman indicated the storm was coming with his RED weather card ... the free wheeling Carroll got his nose snipped for 800 and that was 12 imps gone.
Hanlon McGann took in 200 for 3S down a couple. 

Norway got another 9 on the next 2 boards including a DOUBLED overtrick from Carroll Garvey. 

They saw bridge is a momentum game ...well I suppose there is backwards momentum as well. 
Maybe its called driving in reverse ... 

A blackbird just entered my kitchen and pecked up a few bits of dog food. 
The dog growled and the bird departed. 

Ireland won the next 12 boards 21-7 but this car still only has reverse gear working. 

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