Saturday, February 24, 2018

Playing the IBU Trials Final with Jack

Over the past few weeks I have been playing the IBU Trials Final with my trusty computer partner JACK ( using 5 card major and strong NT with 2/1.

I am doing ok ..better than some finalists and worse than others. I would expect to be trailing to Hanlon McGann and Carroll Garvey but given my lesser opponents and my Jack partner should have good chance of beating the other players.

Despite vugraphing nearly all sessions I have little memory of the hands so this means its no problem to play a set of hands from the past despite having seen them in real life.

So after 123 hands nearing the end of the 8th set of 16 here are the scores.

My scoring system added 1 extra table of Jacks and my own extra table to the 2 tables of the final thus giving more reality to the cross imping. However I am aware that the additional JACKS may also flaw the scores in someones favour but think it is better than just cross imping 2 tables.

I have a feeling Hanlon McGann will rise to the top in the final 2 sessions as it felt like that while vugraphing. However we will see how it goes.
Maybe Galligan rises to the top with some good scores.
Regardless of result it is great to compare against Irelands best 2 teams or best 6 pairs.

Of course it might have been different is Onishuk rolled home the 7H contract but we will never know.
Once I floored a 7C cold contract by being a trick ahead of myself playing against Ciara Burns and John Murchan. Moral of the story is keep your focus in the slams no matter how easy it looks.

Recently I attended a Tournament Directors Workshop in Cyprus ... God that is a real headwrecker.
However I am better as a director because of it.

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