Friday, October 06, 2017

Irish invitational Pairs Session 1

Yesterday October 6th I attended the Irish Invitational Pairs organised by Jim Cahill and Ann Tuite.
This is a fantastic event but one has to be quite good at bridge to make the roster or else own a good partner.
Today we played 64 boards and we vugraphed 2 tables all day.
Not too many spectators turned up on site but that meant more of the wonderful sandwiches for the lads. I had no need to go for any chipper or anything all day. oranges cups of teas fantastic sandwiches and loads of chocolate things and grapes too .
has all the results but focus on the one that mentions 64 boards .. .

Tomorrow Saturday we have a full day ... at least 64 boards .. .
Sunday we have whatever is left of 176 boards .. maybe 44 boards ..
Spectators are welcome all day .... Come in and have a look.

Venue ... Regent Bridge Club ..

Regent Bridge Club has been the Premier Bridge Club in Ireland for as long as I can remember..
and maybe Declan Byrne the club manager have nurtured that ... He has a tough job negotiating
all those club members and now Declan has to negotiate Academy members too.
Younger but braver maybe

Anyway here in the Premier Invitational Pairs ...I saw this board ..

Now a couple of great bridge players expressed horror when they spotted this result.
They were expecting a fine score for making 5D doubled .. .but noted 2 episodes of 6D making on the board. The general indication was IMPOSSIBLE ..
However Thomas Hanlon made it ...
Now any old dunce knows that only other dunces bid slam off 2 cashers .. 
so slam off 2 cashing Hearts and you got KQx of clubs is serious ..
So you get serious and win a HEART trick and you bang out King of Clubs.
How bad can it be ...dummy has one HEART do something ..
Anyway some heroes decided to bang a LAZY HEART ...
and HANLON done the squeeze ...same way as Eamon would have done it ..
Eamon loves squeezes ...and this might be a PUN ////

The legendary Charlie Cullen ...former Regent member and partner of Joe Walshe...
carried a battered and torn copy of CLYDE LOVE squeezes in his pocket.
Eamon also owns a copy but my copy is cleaner and less torn.
KING of Clubs ...break that looming SQUEEZE ...
because you don't want Hanlon doing you like SEABISCUIT .....

or maybe it was HMG2 ....the lad who used to have 4 books of KELSEY squeezes in hard back on his FERMOY bedroom floor back in late 80s ... I saw them there ..

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