Monday, June 19, 2017

European Open Teams 2017

Yesterday Sunday saw the 2 Irish Ladies teams bow out of the European Ladies Teams with barely a whimper. CASADOMA from the Wicklow area managed one victory over the bottom team to end up in 27th place of 30 teams entered.
Team Hibernia on the other hand bid a slam needing 2 3-2 breaks and some handling and went down losing 13 imps and their opponents bid a dodgy slam that made and lost 16-4 .. Then they got smashed by Denmark 20-0 and that was the end of that
3 late victories restored them to their 17th place start of day position. 17th is respectable but this team know they left 8 places behind them.

Meanwhile in the Mens Teams event Team MORAN after a good pre season on the BBO under the tutorship of one Krystoff Martens entered the OPEN TEAMS with some hope. After 4 rounds MORAN lay on the average score of 40 VPS and got beaten by GILLIS 18-2 to drop them to a 42% score and 87th place of the 120 teams.
Sunday morning dawned and TEAM MORAN got out of the blocks fast with 16 VPS against a team named 1over2. Entering Round 7 in 62nd place they met a team called DACIANS from Romania ..
18 VPS followed and MORAN was up and running at the right time.
MORAN entered round 8 in 40th place and 9 VPs outside the Knockouts.

Round 8 ..MORAN got what looked to me like a good draw ...who calls their team NPC DAISY and no known NAMES on the team ....despite many bridge legends on other possible opponents nearby.
The strikers were in form and 41 imps were shot past DAISY and 19 more VPS for the total.
Up to 20th place now and beginning to enter dangerous territory. All teams up in this rarefied atmosphere can do damage.

Round 9 and MORAN drew what looks like an Italian team with one of the Race Cars on board.
Italian teams are always capable but MORAN fired out 40 imps on the first 9 boards and won the match 40-8 and another 18 VPS to rise into 9th place .. On these 4 matches MORAN had scored about 71 VPS out of 80 .. That's almost a 90% score ...

Nearly as good as Team Galligans final session in Coen Trophy 2001 .. 148 our of 150.

Round 10 required a steady match against CHATEAU ROSENOVO which seemed to be a BULGARIAN TEAM ... A 1 imp win secured  qualification for both sides.

Currently TEAM MORAN play the Round of 16 and are getting the worst of it for now.
However a couple of good swings and they will be back in it.

Results can be found at the above link and also running scores ..
Meanwhile out in the other worlds .. The Irish Ladies Teams are learning about BAM TEAMS

TEAM HIBERIA are finding the going tough with 3VPs out of 18.
9 boards played and its 2VPs per board.

Meanwhile .. CASADOMA on 9 VPS REGENT on 8VPs and the more
experienced BANZAI have 12 VPS ....all out of 18.

TEAM BANZAI currently lies in 10th place out of 112 teams ..

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