Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Double Take

This afternoon I was having a look at the results in the European Open Bridge championships.

I looked at Open Pairs and spotted our men Hanlon and Carroll in 209th place of about 240 entrants ..
I spotted some Irish Ladies pairs mostly down the rear end of the field ..apart from Rigney Kenny.
However it is early days yet.

However when I went for a look at the Seniors ..I got this

For some reason I guess the officials wanted to make sure these older folk could see their results so
they printed out each pairs results TWICE.. Now it did not make any difference apart from indicating both Irish pairs have some work to do...but to spell it out TWICE..

If I displayed results like this in Malahide or god forgive on CBAI .. I would be laughed out of the room. This is at European level ... but of course it is a glitch in the HTML or something.
The real results printed on site are no doubt perfectly normal.

Hmmmm just went to Open Pairs ...must be my computer ... as this could not be happening

Repeated  pairs names there too .. maybe its my Microsoft Edge ..
Better by a MacBook quick

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