Saturday, June 17, 2017

CASADOMA versus HIBERNIA Sat June 18th 1530

Currently we are halfway thru the 2 week European Open championships. There are 2 Irish ladies teams taking part. One is mainly from the Wicklow area and the other is most of the Irish Lady Milne team. The 2 teams are meeting at this moment in the 4th round of European Open championships.

Board 1 saw Hibernia declare in both rooms going down a trick in each contract to trail by 3-0
2H by E and 1NT by North..... a 9 card club fit East West being spurned in both rooms.

Board 2 is a 15 point opposite 8 point hand where No Trump is declared ..
Casadoma NS made 9 tricks and Hibernia played cautiously to make 7 tricks.
Casadoma declaring 3NT gained 11 imps against the 1NT of Hibernia

Board 3 saw both sides declaring 4S and 1 imp went to Hibernia trailing 14-1

Board 4 saw both sides declare 1NT and 1 imp to CASADOMA now 15-1 up

Board 5 saw both sides declare 4S ..and 8/9 tricks made ..2 imps to CASADOMA ..17-1

Board 6 saw both sides go 4 OFF in a 2H contract ..flat board ..HO HUM There must be some lesson
there .. .still 17-1

Board 7 saw 3NT up 2 by CASADOMA and 4S made by HIBERNIA ...18-1

Board 8 sees HIBERNIA bid 6S and make 13 ... better than lots of pairs so far but only the direct
match matters so lets see the response ..the response is good ... CASADOMA equal the SLAM.
Many pairs missed this slam so its a decent board for both Irish sides ..

Board 9 saw CASADOMA down in 4H so prospects for HIBERNIA improve but we await
the result in the other room ...Lots of pairs losing 50 on this board we wait and see.
HIBERNIA bid and make 4H in the other room and gain 10 imps ... Score 18-11

Board 10 saw CASADOMA NS bid and make 4S ..CASADOMA will win the match
but lets see by how much and 4S is made in the other room and the match ends

Gilliland Whelan Newell and Cummins played for CASADOMA
Kenny Rigney Fitzgerald and Joyce played for HIBERNIA

You can find all details of the event at the above website ...
Go to Microsite from there

Other Irish teams are MORAN in the OPEN , BANZAI and DUBEL in SENIOR

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