Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Teltscher Trophy 2017 and Bridge Now ratings

Last weekend I attended the Teltscher Trophy as vugraph co-ordinator when I eventually untangled myself from my unco-ordinated route to the La Mon Hotel. Been there about 15 times and still get lost on the way. It helps if one charges ones phone to 100% or brings a car charger.

Eventually got there at about 1400 hours on Saturday for the start of Match 5 and the scoreboard
showed Ireland romping away at the top of the field. This surprised me as England seemed to have a pretty strong team anchored by the well known Tony Forrester assisted by Norman Selway David Kendrick and John Holland. One noted England were a 5 man team and the Teltscher booklet indicated the 5th man had only taken up the game 10 years before although it also indicates a victory in the Premier League in 2008 so he must have learned very quickly.

Anyway on arrival after 4 matches one noted Ireland well in control on about 51 VPs to probably challengers Englands 34 ... In Round 5 Ireland added a 19 by dominating Scotland  to Englands 14 .against Patron so now we are like 70 plays 48. In Round 6 Ireland slipped on a Welsh banana skin while England out ran the Patron. About 7 VPs back and the gap was only 14 with 4 matches to go.
Some doubt was setting in as one player asked me if we could win this thing and wondered did we have to play England again in a direct match.

Sunday morning arrived and it was game on ... England slotted Patron for 18-2 but Ireland held steady with a 17.5 to hold their lead. 96.5 plays 82.8 so 3 matches to go and about 14 VPs in the lead.

In Round 8 we has Ireland versus England. England sent out their front 4 an intimidating collection of Forester Holland Selway and Kendrick. Against this juggernaut CBAI fielded the incredible BJ O'/Brien partered by North Dublins leading bridge teacher Ranald Milne teamed with the perennial Irish National winners Micheal and Padraig O'Brien.

So an Irish pair arrived in 3NT and the English decided to keep him honest with a double.
Its free money as not much difference between 750 and 600 in teams and the double might
put the willies on declarer. Willies it was as our intrepid declarer emerged bruised and bloody with only 6 tricks and minus 800 ...15 euro gone in a small stakes money game. 800 and the possible 750 for making. This board alone is worth 6 VPS of the overall score and as it is the direct match that is arguably 12 VPS swung on a few tricks. The other Irish pair took the insurance in 4S and dropped 300 to add to the 800.

A 16-4 loss and the top of the leaderboard was tightened .. we now had Ireland on 100 VPS playing England on 99 VPs and everyone knew who had the baton.

In Round 7 England played the PATRON and Forrester was at the helm in this 6D contract.

Fortunately for Ireland the great man failed in his quest and the Patron team were allowed a couple of VPS. Its a tough hand to make but running the diamond Queen from dummy is a good start.

Round 9 saw the chasing English side slot the Scots for 20-0 and the competitive Ireland team slotted NIBU for a  respectable 16.7 but now looked up the leaderboard to England with one match remaining. About 2 VPs behind.

Round 10 the final round was the Rex Anderson board.

Rex's Scottish opponents roared into a 6H contract and the always willing Rex led off the Spade Ace.
and Greenwood contributed the KING.
After that some strange things happened ... and one can note the yellow line above.

Ireland played PATRON in the final round and the Lindsay Burns powered PATRON won the day with a 14.5 score while in the other match England slotted the Welsh for almost 20.

All information on the Senior Camrose can be found on http://fob.ie

Meanwhile this weeks Bridge Now ratings

Igor Milevoj  2270
jim me  2251
Karl Cashen  2145
Patrick 27  2101
WBridge5 (Robot)  2087
pietro serioi 2080
David Welsh  2058 x
MC51  2053 x
Pierre DELVAULX  2046
pinco pallino  2046 x
Jim Wills  2043
Eamon Galligan  2021
John Horn  2013
dr. Eddie  2004
B.J. O'Brien  2002 x
Marek.C  1999 x
Jan Stavast  1970
Terry  1969
Jinn  1966
Kerostia 1960
tom gilligan  1953
миша ройтман  1945
Etienne Delangre  1945
Bernard CARPENTIER  1944 x
George Kissov  1943
gilles lacroix  1941
Tamara de Grady  1939
Claude Martin  1938
pat cassidy  1929
Paul Johnson 1928
Patricia A Kelly  1925
GrantK  1922
Jeannie Fitzgerald  1918
Henry David  1916
Graham Hazel  1914 x
Stanley Lin  1909
Noëlle Delahaye-Levesque  1908
Baile an Mhota  1904
Jens Wamsler  1904
Igor Bek  1902
zozo  1898
Maurice Amar  1896
Yves Costel  1878
Max de Beer 1876
Alice Bayandor  1876
maxim68  1875
Tudor Trocan  1873 x
GUIVARCH Jean François  1870
Fran Swift  1866
marcello martemucci  1863
Maire O'Keeffe  1853 x
michel tourville  1851
Mr Bob  1850
Bill Rasnick  1847
MargyJoy  1845
Kailash Gupta  1844
Jacques Bakker  1834
Courtois Joseph  1834 x
Jean-François MARZAL  1831 x
Henry Lin  1831
Allan McDonald  1830 x
Aldo Real  1829
nahit 1825
Lynn High  1824
Paul East  1824 x
Paule Amar  1822
michel doyon  1819
Art Vandalay  1818
Catherine Dufour  1817
Luc Vanderstichelen  1817
Tommy antonine@eircom.net  1817
Rick Crowe  1813
John Macdonald  1811 x
HMN_WPB  1809 x
Martin Keller  1808 x
Franco Avezzano Comes 1807
Stewart Stacey  1805
Claude Gaubert  1805
Sboby  1804
UTILE 33 1802
Dan PIERRE  1800
lederic15  1799
John Sawyer for Congress  1793
CHARLIE  1793 x
conor foley  1789 x
bgb37  1787 x
gerard clergeau  1783
steven howard  1779
UTILE 06  1777
mayaude de Bonhome  1773
Thierry de Schaetzen  1773
Brigitte COUTHOUIS  1772
Roger Wade  1772
Jean Charles Brothier  1771 x
Stephen Kemper  1771
yordan kaloferov  1769
carter  1768
yanick Huvey  1768
Lacey Sachs  1768
kux  1766

X indicates a player who did not play this week.

So Galligan overtakes the incredible BJ O'Brien who was busy training for the Senior Camrose.
We decay non-players by 2% for not showing up for play.

Anyone can play on http://bridge-now.com
ITS FREE as well ...
20 boards a week to get rated

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