Monday, May 08, 2017

Ciara Burns RIP , US Trials ,Bridge Now ratings

7 days ago about this time I wrote my previous blog and I mentioned NIBU Lady Milne Team missing arguably their strongest pair half of which was Ciara Burns. About 20 minutes later I received the shocking message that the same 45 year old Ciara Burns had suffered a health issue and passed away the previous evening... Sunday April 30th 2017.
Now I would say I knew Ciara Burns but I did not really. I did not know she was from County Down and I did not know she was from Downpatrick. I knew she had a black car (because I put NIBU computers into its boot once or twice)  and was very good bridge player. Before writing here I headed over to Ciara's  facebook page and was hit by a headlined article " In Memory of Ciara Burns" by Samantha Punch of Scotland Open Bridge team which was originally written on

The article below which includes a summary of an interview done by Sam describes Ciara far better than I could. After all most of it is Ciara's own words.

The only other piece I can add is when Ciara sat down at the table as an opponent one hoped her partner was John Murchan and one hoped to play well and get a good score as then one could hope for one of the famous John Murchan quotes about bridge or non-bridge as the case might be.
Like most players I only remember the good boards but I was reminded a year or so ago about a 7 clubs hand I floored at Drogheda Congress some years back ...maybe 10 or so... I asked "Ciara how do you you remember that hand "
The response was " Myself and John were your opponents but you got a trick ahead of yourself and ruffed your winner from dummy "
Another time about 10 years ago I played a practice online match against Ciara and Mary Finn and against one 4H contract declared by Ciara I got the bright idea of leading a KING from Kx ala the famous Pat Walshe. Fortunately my Kx worked far better than most of Pat Walshes as Ciara had been dealt JTx and had Axx in dummy.

Axx .. JTx

So on the KING lead the unsuspecting Ciara ducked and the Galligan felt the feeling of something good so played another diamond and this was ducked in dummy as partner won with the QUEEN as
probably Ciara got a bad feeling. Another diamond came back and Galligan ruffed and beamed at his computer. The sound for messages was turned on one heard an incoming BBO message.

Ciara had typed ... "You wee shite "

I think partner got a trump trick for one down ... otherwise we would not remember the hand.


I spoke to Ciara on Sunday April 16th 2017 outside Malahide Bridge Centre where she was playing bridge with Michael O'Kane. I had no idea it would be the last time.

jim me  2237
Karl Cashen  2180
Igor Milevoj  2168
Patrick 27  2131
pinco pallino  2131
pietro serioi 2096
B.J. O'Brien  2086
Pierre DELVAULX  2064
Eamon Galligan  2056
WBridge5 (Robot)  2053
David Welsh  2053
John Horn  2032
tom gilligan  2012
MC51  2010 x
dr. Eddie  1996
Graham Hazel  1992 x
Terry  1986
Marek.C  1983 x
Jim Wills  1981
Jinn  1980
Claude Martin  1950
Noëlle Delahaye-Levesque  1950
gilles lacroix  1950
Tudor Trocan  1950 x
Bernard CARPENTIER  1943 x
Jan Stavast  1940
Paul Johnson 1937
Kerostia 1936
Etienne Delangre  1936
George Kissov  1934
GrantK  1933
Maire O'Keeffe  1930
Tamara de Grady  1926
Jens Wamsler  1904
Paul East  1899 x
миша ройтман  1898
Yves Costel  1897
Maurice Amar  1897
Allan McDonald  1895
John Macdonald  1886 x
HMN_WPB  1883 x
Jean-François MARZAL  1882
Martin Keller  1882
Igor Bek  1880 x
Henry David  1879
pat cassidy  1878
Baile an Mhota  1873
Alice Bayandor  1871
michel tourville  1870
CHARLIE  1867 x
GUIVARCH Jean François  1864
conor foley  1863
Fran Swift  1861 x
Jacques Bakker  1860
michel doyon  1856
Jeannie Fitzgerald  1855
Max de Beer 1852
mayaude de Bonhome  1849
Stanley Lin  1844
Jean Charles Brothier  1844
MargyJoy  1839
marcello martemucci  1835
Jim Mullally  1834 x
David Boxley  1832 x
Patricia A Kelly  1827
Brigitte COUTHOUIS  1825
tigo jean  1822 x
Courtois Joseph  1821
Paule Amar  1820
Mircea Kivu  1818 x
FLOP199  1817
Carpol  1816
bgb37  1816
carter  1816
Henry Lin  1814
M. Hermsen  1814 x
Sboby  1813
Rick Crowe  1810
Robert Pascal  1809 x
Jeffrey Fox  1805
steven howard  1805
Mr Bob  1805 x
Ewac  1804 x
yanick Huvey  1804
James Morgan 1803

Above are the ratings from Bridge-Now up to last Wednesday May 03.

Declan the Donplayer dropped 10 points this week to a rating of 1470 after scoring 46% over 67 boards. 3 more hands and he would have had his 5 worst scores cut off and would have received about 49.5% average. Not too shabby for a guy who never attended a bridge class and is self taught.

"Eamon we need to talk about these transfers soon and why the computer keeps mixing up its hearts and its spades.

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