Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The robot endplay avoidance play

Good afternoon folks ...

One of these days I will figure out Twitch and make some bridge videos ..
I have a nice new Army style haircut

However for now its plain text and pictures ..

Today I was declaring 1NT on and this happened

So I cashed 2 more winning clubs and when I played the HEART 5 the robot rose with the
HEART QUEEN and gave me the HEART JACK on trick 13 .. I don't know why this

I have seen this thing happen before with

However I have not seen it on the Wbridge5 offline program
I did not test this file on Wbridge5 but I will save the pbn

.................................................. is still a fine place to play bridge and you don't need a partner.

Zoom to 150% size if you cannot see the pictures ..

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