Thursday, March 09, 2017

A random hand dealt in Malahide on Feb

On Monday February 20th Derek Howe pointed out a hand to me from that mornings Duplicate.
He claimed the Double Dummy indicated 11 tricks were always COLD.

So I examined the hand casually while preparing for that evenings Duplicate event.
I direct bridge some nights so this was one of those nights.
At first glance I could not see any way past 10 tricks. Diamond Queen is the opening lead and the
contract is say 5H or 4H looking for an overtrick.
We will leave it at that for now to allow some people time to examine it .
I gave the hand to 10 of the strongest Malahide bridge players but got no joy there.
On Tuesday night I was partnering Declan the Donplayer in a  2 euro a corner best of 3 DON game.
We won the first 3 games comfortably and that meant we were 6 euro to the good each.
In the 4th game we were going well and suddenly Declan started anti cheating. He gave the opponents points instead of taking points off them. Later he said "Eamon it would not be fair to send them home 8 euro down each... Better to let them win a game and take 4 euro home and they will come back for more games thinking Declan Donplayer is a nice chap"

Last night in Malahide we ran a handicap game based on CBAI grades.
Regional Master or higher handicapped 8% and 2% drops per grade after that.
The 2 partners handicaps are added together to get the pair handicap.
It seemed to go alright with no complaints yet.
Now I have to go to Lidl for the grub and a few bottles of vino.

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