Wednesday, June 18, 2014

This is Junior Bridge Irish style ( Ranald Milne bridge teacher)

Early this morning I was interacting with some junior players 

I saw this hand and the first thought that came to my mind is print this out and stick it on the walls of all juniors as it is how not to play bridge.
Anybody fancy the 1NT opening by the North chappie 
The 2C for both majors is probably ok 
The 2NT lebensohl is probably ok 
the 3H is probably ok 
The double by the South laddie I don't know about that one 
These lads NS have 11 clubs and they want to penalty double a young lad in Hearts 
They will probably tell me they just wanted one of their own to outdo the GALLO ..
Here Galligan and young Nathan Doyle (one of the well known MacCormac dynasty led by Leo MacCormac) breeze into a routine 4H. Suddenly a double materializes ..
All still looks reasonable but one sits up straight and pays attention despite the couple of pints of guinness trying to slow one down. A heart to the King lands the suspected bad break news. We duck a heart hoping for some help. a heart comes back no real help, We know we are ok if !S finesse works but what if it does'nt. we win the heart and duck a diamond and happily they come a spade and we take finesse and happily it works. 
Anyway 4H making despite the 5-0 break .. 
Just showing the hand to go along with the disaster fest of the first hand not because I made it.
So I think the lads were attempting to get a bigger score for nathand 3HX+3
Last night Ranaldo Milneski paid a visit to Malahide Regional Bridge Club. Ranaldo is a well known teacher from the North Dublin suburb of Drumcondra. So I got free lessons from the best teacher on the Northside.
The rest of this article is written tongue in cheek and no malice is intended.

1. Don't lead singletons ... 
2. Don't bid with no values 
3. Don't let anybody play any hands except me 
4. if you don't ruff in with the Heart queen when you can you don't have it 
5. 3H is stronger than 4H ... Wow .. 

I am 5% better player now than I was at 1925 last night ...and I only did one lesson. 

However I have a few lessons for the teacher ... 

1. Watch the spot cards and you will always know when you win a trick instead of sitting there looking thoughtful as you wonder why declarer won't hurry up and play ... 
Declarer is wondering the same as you won the trick ...
2. If you don't watch the spot cards you might lose your winning KING of hearts .. 

However it was nice partnering Ranaldo Milneski .. He is a fine thoughtful player and he produced some fine plays. We suffered a little of the Danny Doona directing challenge in the early rounds as we seemed to be slower than all other tables .. However Danny was not hard on us and allowed us play all the boards despite our slowness or to tell the truth Ranaldos thoughtfulness .. 

Ranaldo posted a fine card starting by declaring 7 of the first 8 boards ..
We started on board 25 ... However by the time he reached boards 21-24 he was beginning to tire
and Mick Callen and Dorothy Rochford arrived and delivered a few punches.
Just as Monaghan did to Tyrone last Sunday .. 
Mick Callan is a Monaghan GAA man who lives in Malahide and Croke Park.
Rochford and Callan took away 291 of the 400 matchpoints from the teacher Ranald Milne.
The final part is on a serious note 

The link to find Ranald Milne if you want to attend a good bridge class or training session 
Phone number is there and some testimonials 
Google Ranald Milne Bridge and you should find something.

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