Monday, May 19, 2014

CBAI win Senior Camrose and Nickell stage a mighty comeback AGAIN

The CBAI Elders took down the Senior Camrose Trophy at the weekend. Backboned by new caps Steven Bearpark and Brendan Curran with the support of old warriors Jackson + Gibson and invigorated by the youthful O'Briain brothers the CBAI team started steadily with a small loss to Wales and piled on 4 decent victories over the next 5 matches. Match 7 saw Bearpark and Curran pound on the NIBU pair and run out 16.5 to 3.5 victors. This set CBAI up to win the event as they now led by about 18 VPs with only 3 matches left. A draw against Wales and a small win against Scotland left the CBAI in the driving seat going into the last round.
However despite suffering a heavy loss as the toll of being Iron men told on the O'Briain brothers CBAI held out to win by 2 VPs.

On Saturday I was in a bridge club with strange yellow markings on the carpet. After making some enquiries I was told that these markings indicated where table legs should be placed. Now that is serious planning.
I am going to tell the Malahide Regional maintenance person about that.

Finally at nearly 5am this morning the action came to a climax. Yet again Levin and Weinstein famed a few months ago for bidding and making a grand slam off an ace in a US National Teams final , were involved in
another famous Team Nickell comeback. This comeback was only a 32 imp comeback ,not so much when compared with Nickell comebacks of old which sometimes involved 80 imps in 16 boards. One wonders how a multi world champion team like Nickell gets in holes like these. Also the standard of the opponents are much stronger than the opponents of 10 years ago. 10-20 years ago it was just a matter of time until Meckwell put on their Messi boots and landed a few hatricks.
Nowadays the top 10 teams in the world are capable of taking down Meckwell and Levin Weinstein etc

Last nights comeback saw Nickell only take the lead on board 57 when they got a chance to double 2D and take it down 3 in one room to go along with 4H-1 in other room. There were only 60 boards in the event.
Eric Kokish their coach told me that at one stage they led by 55 imps early on.
Thomas Roche and David Coyne won the IBU Pairs event held in Templogue on the weekend despite severe opposition put up by the Comyn and Moran men. 

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