Thursday, January 16, 2014

Camrose 2014 Match 2 Boards 17-32

Good morning folks

Continuing with the boards from last weekends Camrose Trophy in Wales ..
In this set Ireland are playing against England
All information and hands etc are at the above link.

No offence is intended to any real players by any comments placed below ..

Board 17
Plus 7 imps for making 11 tricks in 4S comfortably. 4 Camrose pairs attempted the reasonable 6H/6S but only managed the same 11 tricks .. The doublton Heart KQ offside was hard to deal with alongside the diamonds not breaking 3-3..
Board 18
Galligan tried for 4H but Jack passed quickly. Happily Jack East quickly led Diamond King and then to Ace and took a ruff with a Club trick to come.. 3H made and 4 imps to Galljack.
3 Camroses down in 4H and one selling to EW 3S making.. One was allowed make 4H.

Board 19
Jack North opened 1S and Jack East overcalled 1NT. Galligan pondered a double but decided to settle for bidding 2S. This was passed back to the 1NT overcalled who being fairly heavy emerged with a 3NT bid much to my amazement.. I decided to double this and West ran to 4C which got doubled. This got sunk by 2 tricks ... and that was 500 in and 9 imps.
Back in the real world of the Camrose .. 5 pairs played in 2S and 3S .. the 3S folk went 1 off.
Board 20
The 5 normal NS pairs lost 5-6 imps as two pairs attempted the 3NT contract going off 3.
The normal folk played 4H.
Board 21
I think I slopped a trick to go 2 off in 3H. My robot dealt and passed and later on balanced in with
3H. A couple of pairs EW managed to make 3NT for 400.

Board 22
I declared 3NT despite the 2S overcall. My Jack partner game forced me and later put me in 3NT.
8 tricks was my outcome and that was minus 3 imps
Board 23
My Jack North doubled the 1D opener. I made what I thought was a heavy 2H bid with a 10 count and Jack raised me to 4H, West took exception to this and doubled it. I feeling confident and happy sent it back as they say in America ... (redoubled)
Now I am in 4HXX with 10 count opposite a 14 count 4414 lets see how it goes.
Unfortunately I failed to bring home the contract and went 1 off losing 8 imps ..
Better take a break.
Board 24 and I did not break and I have just butchered another contract. Down 1 in an easy 3H.
Thats 25 imps lost in the last 5 boards ...


Board 25 ... Tomorrow I might take a look at playing with 3 Gib robots.
Gib is my favourite program ever since I got an email while in Saudi Arabia to be a tester of GIB
back in 1996 or so from Matt Ginsberg the inventor.
However GIB the commercial program ceased updating in the early 2000s. Eventually GIB emerged on BBO replacing the old DD button.
Gib remains a fantastic work of art despite being 12 years since an update as such.
Stephen Pickett also had a fantastic GIB based program called Gib-browser which was a version
of Bridgebrowser but it used to the GIB engine to play.
I still have my commercial GIBs ... Matt Ginsberg sent me a copy when it completed.

Nowadays GIB resides in BBO and has a room of its own. 1000s of GIBs play every hour of every day. However they vary in strength .. The web based GIBs run on BBO servers as far as I know..and in the basic level get very little server time and play accordingly. Old client GIBs run on our own machines and play according to user time settings.
Web based GIB continues to be updated by BBO but the updates don't tranfer to commercial GIB.Also the version of GIB running on BBO is slightly different than the original one. My GIB claims..........However all GIBs are well able to play bridge ..

1NT made plus 1 and 0 imps .. the bleeding is stopped..
Board 26
Making 3Ds after a Lebensohl effort with 12-14 NT opp a 11 red card 5 count.
I chanced a takeout into 3D.
Board 27
Stopping in 3S I hoped for a few imps ..but these Camrosi are able to stop as well.
3 no-bleed boards in a row..

Board 28
Making 3NT and missing the overtrick on the Heart lead ..
Board 29
1NT making and more zero imps..
I found Joni Mitchel singing on the TV .. She is singing a song about Magdalene Laundrys
I think these were places were children and their mothers outside of wedlock were sent.. back in the dark days of Ireland ..maybe other countries too.. A quick glance at google indicates they were all over the western world ...but Ireland kept them the longest.. the last one only closing in 1996.
And we Irish feel we have the right to criticize other regimes for their practices..

Board 30
The Jacks EW subside in 3C ..and I have to defend
Another 0 imps .. I must be getting good ...on the other hand its 11 boards since I scored.

Board 31
This board brings back memories of reading about some genius(cheat) making 7H on okbridge despite the 5-0 trump break. After about 10 minutes as I studied the hand I realised it was me and as I had only played the board the same week I was not expecting it in writing as the board could still be live on okbridge... so it is with care and state of the match that I place the double card to the opps freely bid 4H... I have 5 smallish trumps .. I have heard of the 4 thump double .. This is a 5 one. Lets see how this goes ...
Pard fires out the Spade King ...not bad as I have a singleton
Joannie Mitchel continues to sing ..
6 imps to Jackgall for 4HX-2
Board 32
Galligan leads a spade and finds 5 spade tricks ... Zero imps as we are in the middle ..

 Today I pasted in copies of the hands .. Not sure how it will turn out.
Think JackGall ended up plus 1 imp on the set ..
So plus 14 imps after 64 boards ...but I am comparing against the best in Britian
and I have two Jacks against me on most boards. Sometimes they give me stuff.

Now the Pretenders are on the TV ...They go back nearly as far as the last time  Victor Silverstone and Willie Coyle were seen in Scotland. CBAI President Thomas McCormac knows Victor Silverstone well. We played a match in Brighton once and Victors team mate went on tilt.
The guy was partnering Jerry Stamatov and if I operated in England a little more I would know his name. Anyway he tilted 19-1 in our favour..
Victor got a mention sometime over the weekend in the commentary..

That will do for today ..
Back tomorrow with the Match 3 first stanza ..
Think we have vugraph from the Irish Bridge Union trials tomorrow ..
Probably the Mark Moran+5 versus the incredible BJOBoru +5

BJOBORU is never the underdog in his view ... always a chance ..
except the time he landed in 6C on a 3-3 fit and missing nothing else ...
trumps broke 4-3 .. BJ owned the AKQ ... xxx ..
BJ is not used to playing the 3-3 fits at the 6 level ...
BJ won't even remember ...However I was dummy ..cheering him on to victory
not realizing the lad had given up as soon as he saw dummy .. 6C making was a 75%
score but the man had no interest. Mind you the man was very sick at that time ..but he
still kept on smiling. Drove all the way to Youghal to play the Pairs .. Drove all the way home including stopping for ice cream and sweets at a garage ..
Then he got up on Sunday morning and drove John Comyn to victory in the Arklow Cup..
That was about 2009 or so ... and him managing on dialysis ...

Now he is back on half  power .... BJ go easy on Team Moran..

IBU Trials on Friday from 1720 in City West .. see

Eamon Galligan

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