Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Accidental Holdup Mis-click play ..Camrose Trials

Yesterday due to a slip of the finger I seem to have pulled off a fine play to make 3NT.
Of course it can only happen online as I am not at the stage yet where I use a fingerpad for live play.

Contract was 3NT and I got a favourable Heart lead ..well it looks favourable.
I thought I might finesse the club Queen for an entry to work the diamonds but West slapped up the Jack McGann Style and I misclicked on the club 7. West went another club and I did my original finesse and was disappointed when it lost. A heart came back and I went King to the Ace.
Another Club and I won Ace and ran Diamond Jack losing to King. A spade came and I cashed out for 7 tricks when suddenly Diamond queen fell and I realized clubs were in East the whole time and I had accidently done some kind of holdup play. 
Thats what happens on Wbridge5 sometimes ..
...................   Play it here .. you got to register for FREE.
Here we see with BJOBrien on the wane I have added a few stronger challengers.
thebeercard is Paul Gipson and mobrule is Dublins own Michael O'Briain. 
Also the reclusive spartacus has appeared and seems to be a capable player.
Sadly The Great Mulall has given up the ghost due to pressures of work. Jeannief is the leading female player in my group of men. The reclusive rashers ploughs ahead. Marykg seems to be only playing board 1 of each set for some reason. Could it be that she does not know how to find board 2.
The elusive murphyslaw legendary in the Acol Club and recently appearing in Malahide Regional Bridge Club with his partner Jumping Jesus. Even Elvis another recluse makes an appearance on Wbridge5 but prefers the golf. Theres a good blow out today so Elvis should make some long drives as long as he shoots into the breeze. Former partners billpat and patbill still attempt WB5 and the well known Malahide and Regent guiness drinker Maurice Quinn dips in some days. Possibly the Great Mulall is still dabbling but I don't track him these days. The legendary Brendan Conlon from Dundalk has been making regular appearances recently. Anyway thats the story.
For trialists Paul Gipson is organising matches between Celtic trialists and also some Europeans.
somewhere on his blog .. google Beercard bridge might get it. Find the page and register.
Meanwhile in CBAI land we had the prelim Camrose Trials. 7 Teams hit the floor and battled off for 4 Final places. Teams led by Pat Quinn John Phelan Martin Brady Fred Barry qualified for the Final stage.
Here they could find the going decidedly more difficult despite what it says on Facebook. 
A trialist mentions he will compete against 5 other strong teams. 
There is also the question of how come I am always watching All Ireland football and hurling finals in Templogue on Camrose Trials weekends. A thought off the top of my head.. The Trials could take place at a Congress venue or at a National or even at the Intermediate weekend. 
Its hotel double bubble on All Ireland weekends.. and Hotel Galligan no longer opens.
Maybe we could start a Box Room for Camrose Trialists plan on All Ireland weekends.

Meanwhile I am noticing fairly well known Irish players pairing up with juniors on BBO. 
I think somebody has started a mentoring program. Johnny Phelan partners madcookie.
I saw Gay Keaveney and Pat Quinn playing against each other with new teenage bridge players.
Seems Thomas McCormac Martin Brady and Karel deRaymaeker are driving this. John Murchan and Ruth Connolly might be involved from the North.
Tomorrow I will publish how I made another fine contract this morning on Wbridge5. PLay is still live so I won't spoil it.

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