Friday, July 12, 2013

Regent Bonanza continues tonight .. Poker Bridge event Galway August 3rd.

Tonight I am heading into the Regent to see if I can make the podium and win some cash.
Last time out they had 23 tables and that had the Regent floorboards creaking like never in a long time.
Not even in the flower power days of Tournaments Officer "Members  on Seats" Jim Mullally did we approach 24 tables. The normal wording is "bums on seats" but there would be severe reprisals I suspect.

So as they say in this new virtual world that we live in .. Lets get 100 likes ..That would be 25 tables.

It really is a virtual world ..Gone are the days of dark rooms above/below pubs for card players ..
Now there are massive games online every night run by about 100 different online poker compnaies.
When they come out to real life ... they play in massive complexes like City West arena near Saggart.
Even the Norwegians travel to Dublin to hold their National Poker championships. Something about licencing laws or maybe just the price of beer. Even bridge is played in this new virtual world.

Speaking of poker companies .. we have a poker company sponsoring a bridge event ..

I am a little confused as to if it is Pokerstars or FullTilt. ..maybe I will have to google that.
I was sure it was Pokerstars I saw before .. However I don't mind ..
Maybe Full Tilt is Pokerstars.
However there is good news for those bridge players and golfers and shoppers who still operate in the real open world of bricks and mortor bridge clubs and shopping arcades and real golf clubs as opposed to

You can book or make enquiries by emailing Peter directly at or by calling either Peter Pigot at 086 814 6230 or Mary Ryder at 086 811 5793.

The email I got indicated Rory Egan is heading out there too whether that is good or bad I don't know. However I have never seen any bad in Rory apart from when Kieran McGarry falls asleep while Rory is thinking on a golf shot or bridge play. No doubt the two of them will be lying in wait tonight in the Regent.
There was mention of the Camrose Trials recently .. Seems its Teams entries this year. That could be tough as its hard for 6 people to organise a team that wants to play together. Maybe I will open the Eamon Galligan Team Building brokerage. 
I also think we should have a Gold Cup type event in Ireland. Its not like one cannot almost drive anywhere in Ireland these days. Also in this era of lots of places having a dedicated bridge club Teams could meet and play at a bridge club halfway. Gold Cup is 4-6 person teams of knockout bridge. 
Also it is possible to play this event as an online event with Teams of 4-6 from anywhere in the country or even beyond. Closing date for Camrose Trials entries is August 12th. I doubt I will be playing this year as I don't have any partnership oiled and running at this stage. 
I still recommend the above as I get so much learning and fun out of it each day. 
Where else can I measure my skills against Eddie Fitzgerald or Rashers O'Dea or Jeannie Fitzgerald or the greatest Bunnybasher of them all BJ O'Brien. Even Jim Mullally plays it some days. Yesterday I missed out on 5 opportunities in the first 6 boards and was still holding down 55%. 

WBridge5 FREE daily tourney is a tough test as you have to control your robot partner as well. 
Brendan Conlon of Dundalk regularly sends me missives about his robots failings .. Several times its been Brendans failure to understand there is more to bridge bidding than Crowhurts two books on Acol....
Good though they might be ..
 Finally I came across these two Harps out in Swords the other day. 

Hand carved  and 14-16 inches tall .. would suit well for a Presidents Prize in Golf or Bridge or whatever.
350 euros I am told each. Save the image and zoom in ..There is plenty of carving on them. A chap in my estate will make them if there is any requirements.
Tony TC Colton 087 2626299

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