Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Team Billy defeats Team Val in Galligan Teams

Last night in the 2nd episode of the Gallligan Teams a Malahide selection with Jim Doyle helping played a match against Valerie Hands selection. 63 imps to 51 imps.
The best plan from here on seems to be for Teams of 4-6 to let me know they will show up at approximately  8pm on a Tuesday thru the summer and we will play some matches. 
So if you have a team thats available on Tuesdays Eamon will facilitate whatever matches are required. 
So email to This is geared towards Irish teams but we won't turn away a mainly Irish team with a guest or two. Currently we have 3 regular teams.. Irish juniors ..Malahide and Valerie Hands trials team. More are welcome. 
As stated yesterday I posted a decent score around 65% on Wbridge5 but BJ took up the wooden spoon and fired out a 70% score. However Galligan is there again with his 3rd 65% score in 3 days and BJOBrian will not be catching that today I think. Elvis is currently fighting a losing battle as he languishes about 50% after 9 boards. BJOBrien has yet to swing his broken ankle out of his pit. The early bird gets the worm. Galligan has been up since 630 preparing some tough hands for the Rory Boland bidding session tonight. 
Shortly the Euro Mixed Teams Swiss gets underway. BBO coverage from 9am. I presume the same lads who were around in Dublin helping the vugraph operstors will be present and probably the BBO broadcasts link into the scoring system. I know the computer scoring experts were very helpful and knowledgable in Dublin last summer. Maybe they will return with another event in the near future. 
I went for a look at Neil Young in the RDS on Saturday night. Heart of Gold it was not but that did not matter to me as I read what it said on the tin. 
Neil Young and Crazy Crazy Horse as the name might imply is not going to be a few lads with accoustic guitars singing about Needles and Damage done and Old men caretaking ranches. 
So on Saturday night I saw lots of folk who were giving me 20 years ..some even had walking sticks. 
I don't think they understood 3 67 year olds wielding electic steel guitars. However Neil Young is a force of nature and even the whales got a salute on Saturday night. 2 hours 20 minutes but some people left as they chose to ignore the Crazy Horse mentioned on the advert when buying the tickets. There was a brief outburst of slow clapping and boos but you cannot expect a guy to play from 40 year old albums even if it is what you think you are getting. 
Right I better get out of here as the vugraph should be up and running ..

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