Monday, April 22, 2013

News from Yeh Brothers and Kelbourne

Good morning all

Kelbourne is there .....Rory Derek Cian Ciaran took the spoils


For news on Team Pharon ... includes Hugh McGann and Thomas Hanlon and 3 Hacketts and 1 Bakhshi.
You can find all information here

The well known female poker star Fiona Brown is playing on an English ladies team too.

There is BBO coverage but Hugh and Thomas are sitting out this round and its on vugraph.
.................. has the results of the Derry Seniors Congress ...

I am informed it is not the first Seniors Congress ... apparently Mary Kelly Rogers and her crew organised one in Hilton Hotel a few years ago.

Paul Porteus and Fred Barry rule the Seniors Bridge with a 1st in the Pairs and a 2nd in the Teams ..

Speaking of poker stars .. There is a large bridge event being sponsored by

I won't attempt to understand how poker works but it appears you got to pretend to have a big hand all the time. Thats a hard lie to tell as I know from bridge that its 13-1 to get an ace ..first card and then you got to fish out another one from the remaining 51 cards ... so thats 17-1 ... These horses don't win too often.

Maybe there are other hands that are good .. but all these hands are 13 times 17 chance so its hard to get a good hand or a bad hand come to think of it ...

Apparently you collect lots of chips at the start and then use them to bully the other folk into throwing away their better hands ..

Wonder would it work in bridge ...

Does not need to now pokerstars are sponsoring the bridge event and theres a big party after the bridge but as the 3rd session might be on the next day won't be too big of a party ..

I wonder what to poker players do after they reach 50 as apparently you are done playing poker at 50.
The young guys beat you as your bits and bobs don't work as good as they did at 25...
Your neck throbs a little more when you are bluffing and your nose drips when you are excited
and a 50 year old in a hoodie and dark glasses with a scarf around his neck is most likely robbing the gaff then playing poker.

So maybe Thomas Hanlon will start the Irish Seniors poker event in 6 or 7 years time whenever he hits the big 50.or stick to bridge ...

The Dublin North Region Novices championships takes place in Malahide on Saturday April 27th ..
Thats bridge not poker
Malahide Regional Bridge club will be open for the summer
All welcome June July and August ... 1930 every night ....
Team Pharon got a 27-13 win versus India and should remain in the challenging positions to qualify ..
I note they are using the new WBF scale where every imp counts for something ..

So you get scores like 17.84 to 12.16 and the like

Fergal O'Boyle has some work to do now ...2 decimal places of scoring
That will sort out his Pivot tables

Eamon Galligan

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