Friday, April 12, 2013

Good morning... Lets see whats happening in Eamons world of bridge

The first Congress for Seniors (and anybody else ) takes place in Derry next week. I think it starts on Tuesday 16th of April and ends on Thursday 18th of April. However I have (God willing) a bunch of years to go before I get to Derry Seniors Congress.

All the information is in the link above. Mary Kelly Rogers seems to be one of the main drivers behind this congress. I will have to check the results to see if she was playing in the event. I suspect she will be confined to the Open Pairs though. I did not read all the information in the pdf file but there is plenty there. Seems to be good deals on hotel rooms in Derry too ...if you have a few Sterling pounds on your window sill...
I have a few Sterling notes as I got a few sterling for petrol expenses when I was invited up to the Camrose Trophy in Belfast this year. That was good ..they invited me for the weekend and gave me money for petrol as well. Thats a good deal.
Meanwhile some of us continue to play along in Wbridge5......a daily tournament of 16 boards for anybody who wants to play. They keep a monthly record of your total for the month. A recent recruit Edward Fitzgerald has taken over from BJ O'Brien as the monthly leader but BJ has fired in some 70% scores this month already and will be expecting his Wbridge5 and jam collecting experience to outrun the new guy over the full month. Lets have a look at current standings

Eddie is still out the front for now but he is not playing much this month or maybe he had to start a new account as he mentioned on BBO that something happened his setup. We will see. 
other players with scores above or near 60% are Jim Sexton Jeannie Fitgerald Billy Ronan and the secretive Northern Ireland Camrose player Paul Tranmer. David Synnott Brian Wallace and Dermot O'Brien are also on 56% scores for the month so far. There are probably other Irish players using Wbridge5 whom I don't know about. 
I note a new account opened yesterday called garozzo (NY US) ...hardly the man himself but maybe ...he normally goes as papi or sillifu when online..
John Comyn has alot to answer for ...and here is another thing. John wrote recently in the Sunday Independant about a wonderful individual event held in Templogue recently. Next thing the tournaments officer in Malahide calls me and says ..."I read in the paper about fantastic individual event....etc etc ..."
So last Tuesday  morning I hear we are doing an individual event in the tourney I was directing that night.
Now individuals are historically a disaster area as you have in my case 18 tables ...thats about 60 plus people to get mixed up and do things wrong and get mixed up and eventually get annoyed. So here I was with the novice inter B group in Malahide about to run an individual event. So I print out the movements and get them started. We get thru the first 3 boards fairly ok as everybody has their unique number 1-36 in each 9 table section. On Round 2 or (boards 4-6 ) the fun starts.. I tell them N/S up/down 1 and EW up/down 2.
So most people find their new tables and start playing. Boards are staying on the tables thru the night. However after playing boards say 1-3 ... the final board is left on top. Thus the new folk arrive and play board 3 when it clearly says on the sheet play in order 1 2 3 ... So some chaos ensues... Next thing we have folk moving from table 8 in one section into some table in the other section.. Finally in rounds 4-5 we had to tell EW to change to up down 3 for 2 rounds. However we got to the end eventually and it was time to go. I stood outside and over 90% of the players said "That was interesting and great and I played with 21 different partners....a little awkward to begin with as we never done it before but we liked it.
This was played in Malahide Regional Bridge Club last Tuesday night.
Last Saturday night I was logged into BBO and myself and Jeannie Fitzgerald were playing a pair of robots. Then James Heneghan arrived and partnered a robot. Finally John Murchan bullied his way in to partner James so we had a human game going. BBO is very good if you can source some good players to play against. Over the years I have ran into some tough games on BBO. Back around 2005/6 I used to get into Team matches including the likes of Justin Lall and Agustin Madala and even one time 3 Meckstroths.
More recently BJ OBrien had me play 21 boards against Roy Welland and Sabine Auken.
One message came thru back in 2006 ..."Do you know your team mate is the best junior player in the World" Of course I knew ..
However playing against Heneghan and Murchan is a fine game as well..

YOU can play a hand or two with the legendary REGENT TREASURER 

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