Tuesday, March 19, 2013

While playing Wbridge5 this morning just a few minutes ago my robot emerged with a BJesque 7C bid when the opponent robots had reached 6D. Of course its favourable vulnerability but it takes plenty of programming to make a robot understand sacrificing. I am not sure how this hand will go as I have not played it yet. 
It was a successful sacrifice and we scored 43% ... Well done my robot.
However I personally would have been in earlier to persuade the opps to stop in 5Ds or something else.

Wbridge5 .... a great way to get in a little practice for real life bridge as you are comparing with 400 other real life players playing the same cards as you. Its also possible to edit the convention card a little.

As can be seen above Pat Cassidy is out in the lead for the month of March. However Galligan and BJ will pass him out when he plays a few more boards as 63% is a heavy average to keep up for a month unless he sits there and does not play. BJ regularly piles in with 70% scores.
Eddie Fitzgerald is battling against the robot system and will be a bigger feature once he gets the hand of it or changes to a more suitable system. Jim Sexton is firing away at near 57%.  Billy Ronan is having a good month on 58.4%. Maurice Quinn has been fairly quiet this month.
My dog is eying a magpie through the patio door but knows its not worth the effort as magpie is too smart.
Its also snowing anyway and he will mess the floor if he goes out the flap.

Fancy your chances in 4H from the North after East strikes out with the Club Jack lead.
I don't really know where my man found the 2H overcall. However hopefully the lad can declare a little and make this contract. So club jack and you are up ,,,

Dog has finally succumbed to the magpie taunts. Crashed though the dog flap and magpie fluttered upwards still taunting the dog.

Eamon Galligan 

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